These guys were brutal for the first 15 minutes at least, we couldn't do a thing, but don't let a yi, plank, and sejuani start getting our builds, if you don't win by 20 minutes we will always come back! At the end I had to point out the annoying comment by the other team, man I hate sore losers. And this jerk was flaming us hard in the chat after the game. Not cool gaming etiquette. But was a good game, enjoy!
Published on Jul 28, 2013
Played 7-27-13
Twisted Treeline is always a fun time. The games tend to be quick, not this one. This hour long marathon was a nail biter. We started off really slow and eventually started to take over in kills but could never get a good push. The Syndra on this team was amazing, and I keep calling her Sandra but that's what 8 beers and 3am will do to ya.
The Cast: TheSilentAwesome (Master Yi), TheSilentKay (Gangplank), TheSilentJay (Sejuani), and a special thanks to piekisz for being lame.
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Me and my boy having a little fun with Kerbal Space Program. I picked this up on a Steam Summer Sale and figured what the hell its still in development it will only get better. figure it's the "Minecraft of Space". But its hard and takes patience. We gonna keep plugging away and I assure you we get some green men to space, are the going to live, well one question at a time.
Published on Jul 28, 2013
Alright the father and son team of SilentJay and SilentCool attempt to play Kerbal Space Program. At the beginning we say we are still jay and cool because we had to restart a few times. Found every bug possible before even starting. Or the game is so hard I couldn't even press start. Well here is some game play of the first tutorial which we attempt to send our ship SilentCrap out into space. Our 2nd tut on flying should be up soon. Damn this game is a thinking mans game. Thanks for watching :)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
It has been a roller coaster ride of emotions as of late. But here we go with a kick ass game from our SilentKay!
Published on Jul 25, 2013
Ok we will call this a game of the week, but damn it might be game of the year, at least for our SilentKay! This is one katarina special event. We were losing until kay hits his penta then boom we were unstoppable. What a hell of a game. Great job kay on the penta and CONGRATS!
The Cast: blackpanther26 (Teemo), TheSilentAwesome (Miss Fortune), TheSilentJay (Sejuani), and our hero TheSilentKay (Katarina)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Published on Jul 23, 2013
That's what I get, i told him that new intro stays till he gets the penta, this is the first and last time I get to play my new intro because the next time we play he bats for the cycle. At the end of the video is our new TrueSilent intro followed by the dance party. The highlights of this whole match will be up soon, it was a 20 minute bloodbath.
Cangrats Kay!
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Oh my oh my. Alright kids my fraps died somewhere in this match so we dont have the whole comeback. But I did manage to save this little gem. After the video you will see the intro again, it's not a loop, but the no penta inspired a slight change in the video. Enjoy! And at the very end kay enjoy's a dance party.
And inspired by this I had to change our intro vid, at least for the moment...
here we have one minute of silly...please enjoy blackpanther26's ward guide
Published on Jul 17, 2013
This is what happens when you ask an honest question. All I wanted was for our panther to let his support know where to ward. Pretty funny though, watch out for those op turrets Kay :)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Published on Jul 14, 2013
Played on 7-13-13
I really wanted to rush this one out. This is our first normal win with the kids. They have had normal wins but we usually get some pretty tough match ups with three of us being 30 and then the two lv12's. But these guys are getting good and they played real well together. Sandwiches for all!
The Cast: yourselfhehe (Jayce), TheSilentAwesome (Ashe), TheSIlentCool (Aatrox), SilentYnot (Volibear), and TheSIlentJay (Sejuani)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Come one come all to the show of a life time. I can't believe that we managed to muster one ranked win let alone our second here. Got damn at times we actually seem to know what the hell we are doing.
Published on Jul 14, 2013
Ahhh ya. Here it is we are on a roll now. Can we be beat, are we still the worst team in League? The answer to both of these questions is yes. But we got lucky again so here is the recap.
The Cast: yourselfhehe (Jayce), SilentYnot (Volibear), and TheSilentJay (Sejuani)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Here we go with a Silent Cast fast-blast. A few minutes of behind the scene banter. The things that come up while we wait for League of Legends to load.
Holy shit I don't believe it, we won kids! This may seem like a very underwhelming match but we won! So what if we are dead last out of every active team in twisted tree line. Alright down to business, we have some great battles starting with panther talking to his imaginary friend Chris at the beginning, we have some well played voli flips into heimy turrets and a flash that failed , ynot joins the action in time to watch and of course criticize :) The Cast : yourselfhehe (Volibear), blackpanther26 (Quinn), TheSilentJay (Heimerdinger), and SilentYnot (Stalking Creepily). Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.