This may not be the greatest comeback in the world, ah who the hell am I kidding, you gotta see it to believe it.
Published on Dec 30, 2013
Oh my oh my, did this really just happen. No reason to bury the lead, its in the title. But you have to watch this to believe. Here is a little taste of this marathon match.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Ok we have an alternative to Hearthstone, can't bother with a company this annoying. Solforge is in early release and so far is tons of fun, who's playing with me?
Friday, December 6, 2013
Blizzard and Hearthstone
Let me tell you about a business model that doesn't make any freaking sense. Blizzard with the Hearthstone Beta Keys. I am disappointed, but not mad that I haven't been picked yet, i understand it is random. But why is there users with more than one key? How are users able to sell extra keys. How is there streamers giving away two every night? Is this your way of marketing Blizzard? This doesn't make any sense. I have a friend who received a code, with no option to share to get friends in to play with him. Someone explain to me how any of this makes any sense. Blizzard is allowing codes to be sold on ebay, they are selling your codes that you are giving away Blizzard, they are selling codes to a free game. A free game that does of course have rmt's but what game doesn't these days. So good job Blizzard, I will still anxiously await an invite to play in the beta while watching countless people receive codes they don't need and make money off of your efforts.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
What is the Stanley's Parable?
I still haven't figured out what the hell this is but its a ton of fun so far. when asked what is it like i couldn't put it into here is my first seven minutes.
Published on Dec 1, 2013
Trying to describe this game to friends is no good, here is my first look...
Trying to describe this game to friends is no good, here is my first look...
Trying to describe this game to friends is no good, here is my first look...
Trying to describe this game to friends is no good, here is my first look...
Does it ever end?
Published on Dec 1, 2013
Trying to describe this game to friends is no good, here is my first look...
Trying to describe this game to friends is no good, here is my first look...
Trying to describe this game to friends is no good, here is my first look...
Trying to describe this game to friends is no good, here is my first look...
Does it ever end?
an Awesome Penta!
Published on Nov 30, 2013
a penta is a penta, great job! I dont have one of those, i almost did once but we dont talk about it anymore.
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Twitch Baby Twitch! and Face Book too? Sell the hell out!
Why the hell should you wait to watch a video. Watch it while it happens!
SilentKay :
Face Book:
we gonna have a twitter next i can taste it!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Greedy and Lazy
Ok so i update my blog like once a month it seems, i'll be better, here are a couple of vids worth watching!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
The TrueSilent Network
Oh it's getting exciting, we have some new YouTubers among us. Already in the Network are the "veterans" SilentJay, SilentKay, and TheSilentAwesome.
Now I am proud to introduce my boy TheSilentCool and my brother kdf150. These boys are playing a ton of Minecraft and are having a fun time showing the world.
Now I am proud to introduce my boy TheSilentCool and my brother kdf150. These boys are playing a ton of Minecraft and are having a fun time showing the world.
Instead of posting the links to everyone here is your one stop shop
blackpanther26 Penta! TrueSilent's LoL
Congrats nice Penta!
Published on Oct 27, 2013
Played 10-23-13
Congrats Panther on your first Penta!
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Congrats Panther on your first Penta!
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
SilentCast ep.2?
Alright episodes 2 and 3 the continuation of this little trip down the rabbit hole has been put on life support. It was uploaded and ready to go and youtube took the son of a bitch down because of WWE copyright. I should have known better but fuck it, i'll get it up somewhere else because it was pretty fun.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Oh its time, It's SilentCast time
Holy shit it's been forever since my last post, got damn its been busy. To busy playing games, so much great footage to be uped in the next bit here. Even SilentKay hasn't uploaded a new vid in a bit. Who would have thought that work, school, gaming, girls, and every other damn hobby would slow the kid down but its that time of year. Coming soon like in the next two hours soon I will have the first episode of SilentCast up, but in the meantime feel free to enjoy the little fast blast SilentCast 0 issue!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Game Dev Tycoon
Holy cow Kay turned me onto another fun one. Even Ynot is playing. C'mon ynot record your shit I wanna watch.
My company is TrueSilent Inc. Check out my first game...
My company is TrueSilent Inc. Check out my first game...
Pongs in Space
After that stick around and next on the play list is
Labbats Blues
And dont be lame, SilentKay started this, click his banner and enjoy Silent Productions
Friday, August 30, 2013
SilentKay is a gaming machine!
I may have been absent from my love for making video's but they are on the way. Shit I loaded you up this summer, so quit complaining. But you know who doesn't disappoint, SilentKayGaming! Click or be lame. Have you ever wondered what it was like to die in the magic farm? Have you always wanted portal's cake? Have you ever reached 100% Crit with Plank? If the answer is no or if you have no idea what the hell I am talking about click the banner noobs!
Friday, August 16, 2013
TrueSilent's LoL Highlights 8-16-13 ARAM with a Blitzcrank
I hate ARAM, I really freaking do...but this was pretty damn fun!
Published on Aug 16, 2013
I hate ARAM, there is little to no skill involved and the team with the better poke wins. This is coming from a person that never wins ARAM so it must be the games fault and not mine of course. This all changed the day I rolled a Blitzcrank, now I hate ARAM just a little less. It didn't hurt that our Kayle was freaking amazing, nice panther.
The Cast: blackpanther26 (kayle), TheSilentAwesome (Miss Fortune), Kdf150 (Lissandra), TheSilentKay (Xin Zhao), and TheSilentJay (Blitzcrank).
Published on Aug 16, 2013
I hate ARAM, there is little to no skill involved and the team with the better poke wins. This is coming from a person that never wins ARAM so it must be the games fault and not mine of course. This all changed the day I rolled a Blitzcrank, now I hate ARAM just a little less. It didn't hurt that our Kayle was freaking amazing, nice panther.
The Cast: blackpanther26 (kayle), TheSilentAwesome (Miss Fortune), Kdf150 (Lissandra), TheSilentKay (Xin Zhao), and TheSilentJay (Blitzcrank).
Monday, August 12, 2013
TrueSilent's LoL - kdf150's First Normal Win
This may be a little self serving because I was pretty amazing if I do say so myself. Congrats kdf150 on a win :)
Published on Aug 12, 2013
kdf150, another family member joining the ranks. Congrats here on a stellar win. Oh we all started off not knowing what to do and he will get there. We had a pretty good team even with one afk to start. Our Vieger played really nice and our Aatrox held his own, and me, well, sometimes you just have to carry :)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Published on Aug 12, 2013
kdf150, another family member joining the ranks. Congrats here on a stellar win. Oh we all started off not knowing what to do and he will get there. We had a pretty good team even with one afk to start. Our Vieger played really nice and our Aatrox held his own, and me, well, sometimes you just have to carry :)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Sometimes you just have to carry
Congrats to kdf150 on his first normal win. Was actually an accident as the kid is still learning the game I meant to set up a bot game. But a win is a win.
I don't think I ever got that many kills on a bot game, that was some good teemo work! Oh and we had an afk from the start. Which was probably better that way, one less person to feed.
I don't think I ever got that many kills on a bot game, that was some good teemo work! Oh and we had an afk from the start. Which was probably better that way, one less person to feed.
Friday, August 9, 2013
TrueSilent Plays Herobrine's Mansion Ep.1
I love playing games with my boy! Here go Minecraft Herobrine's Mansion style. Should be recording the next episode this weekend, I can't wait!
Published on Aug 9, 2013
SJ here and nothing is more fun than playing a game with my boy. Here we go with the father son team of TrueSilent playing some Herobrine's Mansion. I am probably the last Minecraft noob so every thing I see new is pretty fun. And this Herobrine's Mansion is gonna be pretty sweet. For the first time I threw in a little PIP so you can see SilentCool's perspective and I think it turned out pretty good.
Published on Aug 9, 2013
SJ here and nothing is more fun than playing a game with my boy. Here we go with the father son team of TrueSilent playing some Herobrine's Mansion. I am probably the last Minecraft noob so every thing I see new is pretty fun. And this Herobrine's Mansion is gonna be pretty sweet. For the first time I threw in a little PIP so you can see SilentCool's perspective and I think it turned out pretty good.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
TrueSilent's LoL Highlights 8-7-13 - Featuring The Ward Guide
2Fer is the name of the game. We have seen the ward guide, here is the rest of the match. And remember when your not watching your favorite channel you better be watching SilentKayGaming! He posts, maybe not every day, but alot! Watch his new Portal vid, I can't because I always promised myself I would get the cake and don't want any spoilers.
Published on Aug 7, 2013
I would hate to go a week without a post so here is one from 7-17-13 I have been saving for a rainy day. This match features our ward guide, some bickering, what happens when a Malphite and a Sejuani team up, and of course some winning, all the good things that games are made of.
The Cast: blackpanther26 (Caitlyn), yourselfhehe (Malphite), TheSilentAwesome (Volibear), TheSilentKay (Katarina), and TheSilentJay (Sejuani).
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Published on Aug 7, 2013
I would hate to go a week without a post so here is one from 7-17-13 I have been saving for a rainy day. This match features our ward guide, some bickering, what happens when a Malphite and a Sejuani team up, and of course some winning, all the good things that games are made of.
The Cast: blackpanther26 (Caitlyn), yourselfhehe (Malphite), TheSilentAwesome (Volibear), TheSilentKay (Katarina), and TheSilentJay (Sejuani).
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Minecraft Beta 1.0 - So Much Nostalgia
This vid is posted from SilentKayGaming. Talking about nostalgia is practically what gaming is all about. Creating little moments you remember forever and replaying old favorites to get that special feeling back. Here is Kay replaying a bit of Minecraft beta and having fun remembering how one of his favorite games started
Published on Aug 2, 2013
It feels like just yesterday I was playing this for the first time. My first world is a clear memory. I dug and dug until I died. This brought me back so much. This might not be the most entertaining video but when I saw I could go back and play this version, I just had to do it!
Monday, July 29, 2013
SilentKayGaming - My second favorite channel
Published on Jul 29, 2013
The world of Skyrim has lots to offer, like getting killed by guards in a place you arent aloud in, or some cranky old lady who just hates you.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
TrueSilent's Twisted Game of the Week 7-28-13
These guys were brutal for the first 15 minutes at least, we couldn't do a thing, but don't let a yi, plank, and sejuani start getting our builds, if you don't win by 20 minutes we will always come back! At the end I had to point out the annoying comment by the other team, man I hate sore losers. And this jerk was flaming us hard in the chat after the game. Not cool gaming etiquette. But was a good game, enjoy!
Published on Jul 28, 2013
Played 7-27-13
Twisted Treeline is always a fun time. The games tend to be quick, not this one. This hour long marathon was a nail biter. We started off really slow and eventually started to take over in kills but could never get a good push. The Syndra on this team was amazing, and I keep calling her Sandra but that's what 8 beers and 3am will do to ya.
The Cast: TheSilentAwesome (Master Yi), TheSilentKay (Gangplank), TheSilentJay (Sejuani), and a special thanks to piekisz for being lame.
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Published on Jul 28, 2013
Played 7-27-13
Twisted Treeline is always a fun time. The games tend to be quick, not this one. This hour long marathon was a nail biter. We started off really slow and eventually started to take over in kills but could never get a good push. The Syndra on this team was amazing, and I keep calling her Sandra but that's what 8 beers and 3am will do to ya.
The Cast: TheSilentAwesome (Master Yi), TheSilentKay (Gangplank), TheSilentJay (Sejuani), and a special thanks to piekisz for being lame.
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
TrueSilent Plays Kerbal Space Program ...and fails Part 1
Me and my boy having a little fun with Kerbal Space Program. I picked this up on a Steam Summer Sale and figured what the hell its still in development it will only get better. figure it's the "Minecraft of Space". But its hard and takes patience. We gonna keep plugging away and I assure you we get some green men to space, are the going to live, well one question at a time.
Published on Jul 28, 2013
Alright the father and son team of SilentJay and SilentCool attempt to play Kerbal Space Program. At the beginning we say we are still jay and cool because we had to restart a few times. Found every bug possible before even starting. Or the game is so hard I couldn't even press start. Well here is some game play of the first tutorial which we attempt to send our ship SilentCrap out into space. Our 2nd tut on flying should be up soon. Damn this game is a thinking mans game. Thanks for watching :)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Published on Jul 28, 2013
Alright the father and son team of SilentJay and SilentCool attempt to play Kerbal Space Program. At the beginning we say we are still jay and cool because we had to restart a few times. Found every bug possible before even starting. Or the game is so hard I couldn't even press start. Well here is some game play of the first tutorial which we attempt to send our ship SilentCrap out into space. Our 2nd tut on flying should be up soon. Damn this game is a thinking mans game. Thanks for watching :)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Friday, July 26, 2013
TrueSilent's Game Of The Week 7-25-13 Featuring Kay's Penta!
It has been a roller coaster ride of emotions as of late. But here we go with a kick ass game from our SilentKay!
Published on Jul 25, 2013
Ok we will call this a game of the week, but damn it might be game of the year, at least for our SilentKay! This is one katarina special event. We were losing until kay hits his penta then boom we were unstoppable. What a hell of a game. Great job kay on the penta and CONGRATS!
The Cast: blackpanther26 (Teemo), TheSilentAwesome (Miss Fortune), TheSilentJay (Sejuani), and our hero TheSilentKay (Katarina)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Published on Jul 25, 2013
Ok we will call this a game of the week, but damn it might be game of the year, at least for our SilentKay! This is one katarina special event. We were losing until kay hits his penta then boom we were unstoppable. What a hell of a game. Great job kay on the penta and CONGRATS!
The Cast: blackpanther26 (Teemo), TheSilentAwesome (Miss Fortune), TheSilentJay (Sejuani), and our hero TheSilentKay (Katarina)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
SilentKay's Penta! ... for real this time
Holy crap here it is for real this time!
Published on Jul 23, 2013
That's what I get, i told him that new intro stays till he gets the penta, this is the first and last time I get to play my new intro because the next time we play he bats for the cycle. At the end of the video is our new TrueSilent intro followed by the dance party. The highlights of this whole match will be up soon, it was a 20 minute bloodbath.
Cangrats Kay!
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Published on Jul 23, 2013
That's what I get, i told him that new intro stays till he gets the penta, this is the first and last time I get to play my new intro because the next time we play he bats for the cycle. At the end of the video is our new TrueSilent intro followed by the dance party. The highlights of this whole match will be up soon, it was a 20 minute bloodbath.
Cangrats Kay!
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
SilentKay's Penta?
I need to let the video do the talking here,,,
Published on Jul 20, 2013
Oh my oh my. Alright kids my fraps died somewhere in this match so we dont have the whole comeback. But I did manage to save this little gem. After the video you will see the intro again, it's not a loop, but the no penta inspired a slight change in the video. Enjoy! And at the very end kay enjoy's a dance party.
And inspired by this I had to change our intro vid, at least for the moment...
Published on Jul 20, 2013
Our new Intro
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
TrueSilent Presents : blackpanther26's Ward Guide
here we have one minute of silly...please enjoy blackpanther26's ward guide
Published on Jul 17, 2013
This is what happens when you ask an honest question. All I wanted was for our panther to let his support know where to ward. Pretty funny though, watch out for those op turrets Kay :)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Published on Jul 17, 2013
This is what happens when you ask an honest question. All I wanted was for our panther to let his support know where to ward. Pretty funny though, watch out for those op turrets Kay :)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Monday, July 15, 2013
TrueSilent's LoL Game Of The Week 7-14-13
The boys are really starting to hold their own!
Published on Jul 14, 2013
Played on 7-13-13
I really wanted to rush this one out. This is our first normal win with the kids. They have had normal wins but we usually get some pretty tough match ups with three of us being 30 and then the two lv12's. But these guys are getting good and they played real well together. Sandwiches for all!
The Cast: yourselfhehe (Jayce), TheSilentAwesome (Ashe), TheSIlentCool (Aatrox), SilentYnot (Volibear), and TheSIlentJay (Sejuani)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Published on Jul 14, 2013
Played on 7-13-13
I really wanted to rush this one out. This is our first normal win with the kids. They have had normal wins but we usually get some pretty tough match ups with three of us being 30 and then the two lv12's. But these guys are getting good and they played real well together. Sandwiches for all!
The Cast: yourselfhehe (Jayce), TheSilentAwesome (Ashe), TheSIlentCool (Aatrox), SilentYnot (Volibear), and TheSIlentJay (Sejuani)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
LoL~TrueSilent's 2nd Ranked Win
Come one come all to the show of a life time. I can't believe that we managed to muster one ranked win let alone our second here. Got damn at times we actually seem to know what the hell we are doing.
Published on Jul 14, 2013
Ahhh ya. Here it is we are on a roll now. Can we be beat, are we still the worst team in League? The answer to both of these questions is yes. But we got lucky again so here is the recap.
The Cast: yourselfhehe (Jayce), SilentYnot (Volibear), and TheSilentJay (Sejuani)
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Here we go with a Silent Cast fast-blast. A few minutes of behind the scene banter. The things that come up while we wait for League of Legends to load.
Click here
or here
Click here
or here
Sunday, July 7, 2013
TrueSilent's First Ranked Team Win!
Published on Jul 5, 2013
Published on Jul 5, 2013
Holy shit I don't believe it, we won kids! This may seem like a very underwhelming match but we won! So what if we are dead last out of every active team in twisted tree line.
Alright down to business, we have some great battles starting with panther talking to his imaginary friend Chris at the beginning, we have some well played voli flips into heimy turrets and a flash that failed , ynot joins the action in time to watch and of course criticize :)
The Cast : yourselfhehe (Volibear), blackpanther26 (Quinn), TheSilentJay (Heimerdinger), and SilentYnot (Stalking Creepily).
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Alright down to business, we have some great battles starting with panther talking to his imaginary friend Chris at the beginning, we have some well played voli flips into heimy turrets and a flash that failed , ynot joins the action in time to watch and of course criticize :)
The Cast : yourselfhehe (Volibear), blackpanther26 (Quinn), TheSilentJay (Heimerdinger), and SilentYnot (Stalking Creepily).
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Here kids we have what I would like to call SilentCast. Some of the best vids that we do are because of the funny conversations, so fuck it click the link and enjoy some podcast fun. I would like to call this SilentCast1 but without my main man Ynot it's not a true SilentCast. But it was still pretty fun. We have a funny call placed when Panther lost internet, and some fun Naruto talk...
Here kids we have what I would like to call SilentCast. Some of the best vids that we do are because of the funny conversations, so fuck it click the link and enjoy some podcast fun. I would like to call this SilentCast1 but without my main man Ynot it's not a true SilentCast. But it was still pretty fun. We have a funny call placed when Panther lost internet, and some fun Naruto talk...
Friday, June 7, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Here we go, I would like to personally welcome TheSilentAwesome and TheSilentCool to the crew baby!
played on 5-26-13
Congrats to awesome and cool, very proud to welcome you two kids into the game! I tried to keep it clean but thing i let a swear or two slip out. I wish lol replay worked a bit better, i missed a bunch of the kids action. but here we go. My boy TheSilentCool and his bro TheSilentAwesome in their first league game. Heck ya boys nice win. Cool had some nice kills, Awesome had some nice turret kills, an all around great team effort.
The Cast: yourselfhehe(Volibear), TheSilentKay(Katarina), TheSilentAwesome(Ashe), TheSilentCool(Varus), and TheSilentJay(Nidalee)
This was a fun training game, I had a blast, thanks guys!
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Congrats to awesome and cool, very proud to welcome you two kids into the game! I tried to keep it clean but thing i let a swear or two slip out. I wish lol replay worked a bit better, i missed a bunch of the kids action. but here we go. My boy TheSilentCool and his bro TheSilentAwesome in their first league game. Heck ya boys nice win. Cool had some nice kills, Awesome had some nice turret kills, an all around great team effort.
The Cast: yourselfhehe(Volibear), TheSilentKay(Katarina), TheSilentAwesome(Ashe), TheSilentCool(Varus), and TheSilentJay(Nidalee)
This was a fun training game, I had a blast, thanks guys!
Our numbers may be small and we may not be any good, but damn we have a good time and that is what gaming is all about.
Here we go, the forum was a me show so I figure what the hell lets just blog this shit, here is my channel for the past episodes.
and here is the forum just in case you bone heads wanna post some fun too
leave comments and like our shit, i dont care if it only has 6 views, i only make em for us. If other people like it that's just a bonus!
and here is the forum just in case you bone heads wanna post some fun too
leave comments and like our shit, i dont care if it only has 6 views, i only make em for us. If other people like it that's just a bonus!
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